about diana

(Diana/Diana's; they/them; she/hers)
Diana Hope Tegenkamp is a queer, Métis, disabled writer, editor and multimedia artist who lives and creates on Treaty 6 Territory, Homeland of the Métis.
In Search of my Métis Father, Diana's second, in-process manuscript, is about her first father, Métis political activist Don Neilson. "so I can bring you with me," a poem from this manuscript, won 2nd place in the Vallum 2023 Poetry Award Contest.
Diana's first poetry book, Girl running, completed with Canada Council for the Arts and Saskatchewan Arts Board grants, was published in Fall 2021 by Thistledown Press. Girl running was nominated for an Indigenous Voices Award and two Saskatchewan Book Awards.
"Birthmark" and "Motherfield," two poems from Girl running, were longlisted for the 2020 CBC Poetry Prize and excerpts from Girl running are included in the Carving Space: The Indigenous Voices Awards Anthology (2023).
Diana's poem, "My father as rhythm in lake water," received second prize in the Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Prize, and was published in the 2021 summer issue of Prairie Fire magazine.
UNMUTE: Warmups for Body Vocality, a video performance piece, showed as part of SLANT's 2021 Writing Bodies event.
all the words I couldn't say, a film poem, based on a poem by Nicole Brossard, was an Official Selection in the Berlin International Art Film Festival and the Toronto International Women's Festival monthly editions and the Montreal Independent Film Festival seasonal edition.
Diana’s writing has appeared in Vallum, Prairie Fire, CV2, Grain, Matrix, Queen Street Quarterly Review, Moosehead Anthology, Slingshot and Tessera.